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Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Why Did America End Up with a Representative Democracy Rather than a Pure Democracy?


What is a Representative Democracy? Representative democracy is a form of government in which is founded upon the principles of popular sovereignty by the people's representatives. Popular sovereignty is that in which is ruled by the people. The following quote is an example of Representative Democracy and its form.

"The Constitution's Framers crafted a governing document, which they submitted for popular ratification, based on the conception that ultimate political authority resides not in the government or in any single government official, but rather, in the people. "We, the People" own our government, but under our representative democracy, we delegate the day-to-day governing powers to a body of elected representatives."

A Pure Democracy (formerly known as a direct democracy) is that in which where the power to govern lies directly in the hands of the people rather than being exercised through their representatives. The power to govern, the power to make and pass laws, and the power to simply self-govern themselves in all ways within democracy was the key factor to the early settlers of America.

"The spirit of equality tended to become a dominant feature of American life, for despite the existence of social classes, the great majority of the population had to rely on their living upon their own efforts. Under such conditions self-reliance and self-government were natural developments."(Williamson,21)

The government had become far too complex for the people and the people had also become very much dispersed and therefore there was no longer a way to meet as a group or to have the same issues to deal with as a government. Therefore the concept of Representative Democracy was born.The benefits of a Representative democracy dating back to history within colonial times were that in which men were able to stay home yet able to make decisions in what would take place within government. Their ideas and opinions were then expressed to a representative and therefore passed on within the government.

Representative Democracy VS.Pure Democracy Now

The reason in which the United States ended up with a Representative democracy rather than a Pure Democracy is for multiple reasons as listed above. It is evident that dating back to the first settlements of America(as the body of people) that it could no longer self-govern itself, but rather needed a chosen people who would be the representaives for their ideas.

"With so large of a body of people who have the right as we have in the United States today, direct government (Pure Democracy) is out of the question."(Hughes,425)

Hughes,O. Ray. Problems of America Democracy. Allyn and Bacon: United States, 1922

Williamson,R, Thomas. Problems in American Democracy. Kesingler Publishing: 2004